The spider lily,
a/k/a the crinum lily, is a member of the Amaryllidaceae family. They grow from zones 8 to 10 on the mainland and Hawaii's zone 11 loves 'em!
Here in Puna it's a fast grower, averaging 4 to 5 feet. The flowers are fragrant and they bloom from summer through fall. I love the white, but they can be pink, red, striped or multicolored.

Not long after I moved to Big Island late 2007, I visited the
Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden located north of Hilo where I sensed a magnificent aroma in the air. There was an area near where the stream fall flows into the Pacific at
Onomea Bay. I kept walking in circles searching for the source of the perfumed air and once discovered, I was determined to have spider lilies in my landscape.
I noticed a few of them planted in Pahoa's new shopping center landscape next to Long's Drug Store. Mine was pulled and gifted by a neighbor early 2009. By 2011 there were two stalks with a third forming this summer.
So that worked well, but I'm anxious to
learn how to propagate bunches!